
Nepal is located near the base of the Himalayas and borders India and China. The elevation of the country ranges from 90 to 8,848 meters. There are more than 60 ethnic groups in the country with a total population of more than 23 million. The Northern area of Nepal is located near Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world and the middle range of the Himalayas has several magnificent hills, valleys, lakes and mountains. The Southern range in Nepal has several dense forests and many wildlife reserves.
The government of Nepal, a constitutional monarchy, consists of a two tier system and the elected Prime Minister heads the government. The country is divided into three regions and there are five development regions and 75 administrative districts with 3,914 Village Development committees and 58 municipalities. The capital of Nepal is Katmandu. The GDP of the country is an estimated $240 US and is increasing as the contribution of non-agricultural activities increases the country's wealth.

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