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Ireland Embassies and Consulates


Ireland, officially the Republic of Ireland, is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island in the world. It lies to the north-west of continental Europe and is surrounded by hundreds of islands and islets. Ireland covers an area of 70, 282 square kilometers which makes up 5/6 of the whole island and The population of Ireland is about 6.2 million people. For an island with a relatively small population, Ireland has made a large contribution to world literature in all its branches, mainly in English. The most popular sports in Ireland are Gaelic Football and Association Football, both of that are very famous in the World.

Embassy of China in Ireland
Add: 40 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel: +353-1-2691707, 2196787
Fax: +353-1-2839938
E-mail: chinaemb_ie@mfa.gov.cn
Embassy of Ireland in Beijing
Add:No.3, Ri Tan Dong Lu, Chaoyang District
Tel: +86-10-65322691, 65322914
Fax: +86-10-65326857
E-mail: beijing@iveagh.irlgov.ie
Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai
Add: Room 700A, Shanghai Center, No.1376 Nanjing Xi Lu
Tel: +86-21-62798729
Fax: +86-21-62798739
E-mail: shanghai@dfa.iet
Website: http://embassyofireland.cn/Ireland-Chinese/consulate.htm

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