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Mali Embassies and Consulates


Mali, officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked nation in Western Africa. Occupying a total area of 1,240,192 square kilometers, the country once supported Africa's greatest empires and is rich with historical resonance. Mali has a population of over 14 million people censored by April 2009. Mali is mostly flat, rising to rolling northern plains covered by sand. It is alive with a fascinating cultural mix of peoples, from the nomadic Tuareg people of the Sahara to the Niger fishing societies of the Bozo. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1960, China has helped Mali to make dozens of projects such as sugar factories, textile, manufacturing medicines, tea, matches, rice milling...

Embassy of China in Mali
Add: Quartier Hippodrome, Bamako, Mali B.P.112
Tel: +223-2213597
Fax: +223-2213443
E-mail: Chinaemb_ml@mfa.gov.cn
Embassy of the Republic of Mali in Beijing
Add: No. 8, Dong Si Jie, San Li Tun
Tel: +86-10-65321704, 65325530
Fax: +86-10-65321618, 65320875

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